Terms & Conditions

Acceptance of Terms
The present website is operated by PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD registered under the Registration number HE347836, with registered office in Areos Street 26 Latsia Industrial Area 2234. The access and use of the website is subject to the terms and conditions set herein and implies the previous acceptance, without reservations, of the referred terms and conditions. If the user is not in agreement with these terms and conditions, please do not use this Website.

Intellectual Property Rights
All the contents, texts, images and sounds, as well as the logos, names, trademarks and distinctive signs present in this Website are protected by intellectual property rights which are the exclusive property of PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD Browsing the website as a visitor and/or registering does not entail the transmission of any intellectual property rights over the referred content to the user. The use or replication, in any way, of the content of the website are expressly forbidden unless PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD previously authorizes it in writing. The users may not replicate, copy, communicate, disclose to third parties or in any way use the content of the website for any purpose which exceeds the browsing permitted according to the present terms and conditions. PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD. reserves the right to, at any given time, make changes to this content, without any obligation to communicate such changes to the users.

Third Party Website Links
This Website might contain links to other websites registered by others (“third parties”). PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD has no connection or control over the website which are accessible through the referred links and is not responsible for the content presented in any third-party website, its veracity, accuracy and/or precision, nor for how they are used.

Obligations of use
By using this Website, the user agrees to supply information that is correct, actual and complete upon the registration in the Website. The user is responsible for all the content, information, data and/or others which it registers and/or transmits through the website, and it agrees to evaluate and assume the risks associated with the transmission. PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD reserves the right to refuse, remove and/or block the access to any content which violated the present terms and conditions and/or which is manifestly unlawful, as well as to retain and/or disclose it when the administrative or judicial authorities require it under the law. The user of this Website is authorized to only use the contents herein for his own personal use. It is expressly prohibited the publication, replication or distribution of these contents to any third party, without the previous consent of PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD In case of an infringement of the present terms and conditions, PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD reserves the right to take legal action.

Information present on the website
The information present on the website was compiled and is provided by PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD, according to its duties of care and diligence. However, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD does not guarantee that the information provided is free of errors – human and/or computer – delays, interruptions, loss of data, omissions and other defects. Similarly, notwithstanding the technical and security measures implemented, PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD does not guarantee that the files are free of viruses, worms or trojan horses which may contain or display contaminant and/or destructive characteristics.

Personal data
The processing of the personal data collected from the website shall be governed by the privacy policy, available in http://paralimnimarina.com/privacypolicy.

PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD is not liable for any damages and/or losses sustained by the user or by third parties due to unforeseeable circumstances and/or in cases of force majeure. The user recognizes that the internet is a public network and that, as such, no liability for damages resulting of its use may be imposed on PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD is not liable for the incorrect use of its services, nor for any damages or losses caused the said incorrect use.

PMV MARITIME HOLDINGS LTD reserves the right to, at any time, without previous warning, review the present terms and conditions. The user shall be bound to the version of the terms and conditions in force at the time of the use of the website. As such, we recommend that you check it periodically.

For more information please contact:

Areos Street 26 Latsia Industrial Area 2234
Tel.: +35722518508
E-mail: info@paralimnimanrina.com